This is a program elective course for both UG and PG students. Here is a brief syllabus of the course: Introduction to CMOS analog integrated circuit design. MOS transistor as the basic design unit: device structure, I-V characteristics, second order effects, SPICE models. Basic amplifier topologies: CS, CG, CD, cascode amplifiers. Differential amplifiers: single ended and differential operation, small signal analysis. Current mirrors: passive and active topologies. Performance parameters of analog circuits: frequency response, noise. Feedback in analog integrated circuits: types of feedback, stability and frequency compensation. Operational amplifiers: topologies, performance parameters. Layout of analog integrated circuits.
For further details, visit

- Teacher: Nandakumar N P
This is a core course for EE BTech students. Here is a brief syllabus of the course: Review of basics of digital electronics: Number systems, Boolean algebra, logic gates and circuits, minimization of logic functions. Number representation and arithmetic circuits: Signed and unsigned numbers, binary codes, arithmetic operation of binary numbers-addition, subtraction, and multiplication. Combinational circuit elements: Multiplexers and demultiplexers, decoders and encoders, code converters. Synthesis of combinational logic functions. Cyclic and acyclic logic circuits. Memory elements: latches and flipflops, applications-shift registers, and counters. Sequential circuits and finite state machines: analysis and synthesis. Synchronous and asynchronous sequential circuits. Timing analysis of clocked circuits. Hazards in digital circuits. Transistor level implementation of digital circuit elements: CMOS digital family. Introduction to VHDL and programmable logic devices. Advanced digital system design topics and applications.
For further details, visit

- Teacher: Nandakumar N P

- Teacher: Sheron Figarado
- Teacher: Diptesh Naik
- Teacher: minerva P
- Teacher: Ishwar Rathod
- Teacher: Ishwar Rathod
- Teacher: Arunima S
- Teacher: Neel Shrivastava